The Cheltenham Trail - 50 Eyecatchers for the 2024/2025 National Hunt Season
Plenty of horses catch the eye of Andy Gibson.
He has an unerring natural ability to see things that mere mortals just don’t. Most of us can detect a horse who makes up copious amounts of ground in the closing stages of a race, passing runner after runner in the process, perhaps over a trip short of their best. Put that one in the notebook we might say.
But Andy’s ability to discern a racehorse’s performance sets him apart. I particularly delight in his analysis of a race or a horse where his views contradict with those of the collective: a winner that should be treated with caution next time out; a favourite who has seemingly disappointed, but Andy feels ran well in the circumstances.
This body of work before you enables the reader to see horses and their performances as Andy does. It doesn’t mean you should follow the horses listed religiously, but rather utilise his analysis to form an opinion of their chances at particular times in particular races during the coming season.
Additionally here, Andy has asked many directly involved in racing for their views on horses to follow for the season which all adds to a most sagacious and weighty oeuvre.